Monday, July 03, 2006

Open source web page designs

The folks at Open Source Web Design offer free Web page designs. A spot-check shows that OSWD uses modern CSS coding, not layout tables.

You could use these as the basic for regular or blog-type web pages. So download, tweak, and enjoy.

Another source is the free CSS/HTML templates at Mollio. The six basic designs cover most of the common column types and all use CSS, not layout tables. Mollio offers these under three different licenses: Creative Commons, GPL and CPL.


Anonymous said...

This seems to be an old update. You really need to keep up with your mission if you really want to help others.

Just a thought :)

CBrulee said...


Blogs are chronological postings, not normal static web pages. You viewed a 2006 page, which might well be out of date. I don't know of blog editors who go backwards in time to edit old postings. That does mean that you need to check out any "facts" or links on old blog pages, no matter what blog you visit.

Thanks for visiting.