Friday, July 01, 2011

Sentence Sermons - part 2

In his book "701 Sentence Sermons", L. James Harvey gives several excellent tips for excellent text for church signs and wherever else the church uses that sentence sermon -- see Sentence Sermons - part 1.

Below are are a few tips based on Volume 1 of Harvey's book.
  • Condense the English.
    You don't need to include every word of every saying or quote. You can even rearrange the messages to better fit the sign. Most signs have only 3 to 5 lines for brief text.
  • Consider line breaks.
    • Decide what wording makes the separate lines read better. Revise the wording as needed, but keep the meaning clear.
    • Use a line break for natural speach pauses.
    • Use a line break for most commas.
  • Consider the speed of passing cars.
  • Even passengers in a moving car have only a few short seconbds to read and understand the entire message.
  • Consider your church's theogical views.
    Don't use sentence sermons that run contrary to your church's views.

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