Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Is Twitter for churches?

Even Ellen Degeneres now tweets away on Twitter. Can anyone resist the urge to deluge the world with trivia about their mundane life? Who doesn't want to accumulate "followers".

Even that term makes me cringe. Should churches really want people who are "followers" of anyone other than Jesus? Are "followers" just the Greek chorus to the dreary drama of a dismal narcissist?

Jay Leno recently asked if those who use Twitter should be called "Twits". Are tweets for the birds? Is there a valid, spiritual use of Twitter? I think there is, but don't know that anyone is using it (more on this on a future post). Nearly all Twitter use I see is self-aggrandizing egotism. As a church member recently told me, "It's pretty arrogant to think that people really care about what you are doing or thinking all day" -- in 140 character or less bursts of "information".

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