Sunday, February 12, 2006

Church business cards

Business cards are an important part of church identity. Here are a few important factors when designing business cards for churches:

  • Use type that's easy to read without squinting or holding the card closer than normal reading distance. "Squint print" is a negative factor.
  • Use a typeface ("font") that's easy to read at small sizes. Usually this means what's called a "sans-serif" font (ones without the little "feet") like Arial, Tahoma, or Verdana. By small sizes, we're talking 9 or 8 points. Even an 8 point size is getting pretty small for easy reading, but is sometimes used (with a Sans-serif font).
  • When using a map, make the text size easily readable.
  • Look for ways to minimize text so that the card is not "crammed" ("tight" to the edges). One way is to reduce text to the essentials. For example, you only need to include a web address, not an email address if the email address is already on the web. Besides, you do want to encourage people to check the web site, as it tells a lot about "who you are" that you can't squeeze onto a business card.
  • Use a tag line if your church has one. Consider making it prominent on the business card as well as other identity media.
  • Use color, but don't go overboard. One inexpensive alternative is to buy sheets of micro-perf business card blanks, then print from your church's laser printer (or color printer). You can find dignified and colorful business cards online, now. One such company is Paper Direct. More online business card sources »

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