Sunday, July 19, 2009

Twittering the Psalms

The Worship area of the General Board of Discipleship has plugged the "Summer Psalms" Twitter project by Providence United Methodist Church, Charlotte, North Carolina.

Providence UMC's senior pastor is using Twitter to get followers thinking about the Psalms. A Psalm number (and usually a verse number) is followed by a brief quote or summary.

This is an excellent, innovative use of Twitter. It's not the usual blather about "what I'm doing". It's spiritual. It's short (by necessity). And it's thought-provoking.


Blogs were originally journals by individuals. Now they have broadened into everything from photo collections with comments to news to varied types of main web sites.

Twitter too will be going through these birth pains and significant expansion of the original "what I'm going right now" idea. Organizations are discovering new ways to use it to accomplish some of their varied goals. The original premise was pretty ego-centric. New uses such as Summer Psalms is just the tip of the iceberg in better use of this web-based service.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

ScribeFire blog editor for FireFox users

ScribeFire is a great blogging tool for FireFox users. Some of the ScribeFire features I like the best:

  • Categorize and tag your blog posts
  • Post an entry as a draft
  • Save works-in-progress as notes
  • Use FTP to upload files
  • Upload images
  • Set timestamps